Release It

I try to incorporate 2 simple practices into each day: bubbling and releasing. I talk about bubbling in this blog post. So let’s talk about releasing.

Each day, we go about our lives as souls managing the human experience. That human experience includes all sorts of feelings, thoughts, and interactions with other humans managing their own experiences. Which means that we can potentially carry around a ton of energetic crap from all of that. Yikes. Even if you aren’t a full-blown Empath, you are still affected by your experiences, the good and the bad. And some of those experiences can weigh heavy on you. This is where a releasing practice comes in handy.

There are a ton of different ways you can go about doing a release. For my personal daily practice, I like to keep it simple. Let’s be real here. I know me…if it’s not simple, I’m far less likely to do it, because then it starts to feel like yet another chore on the never-ending to-do list. So, each night, when I get into bed, I say to myself “I release anything and everything that does not serve my highest and greatest good.” I say it a total of 3 times, as I like the power of 3. Yep, that’s it. Short and sweet.

Now, there are far more elaborate methods out there, so I encourage you to find what works best for you. I like this one for my daily practice. Some days are particularly challenging, so I may say it several times during the day as well. For days like a full moon (a fantastic time to release!), I may choose a more lengthy ritual for releasing if I feel called to do so.

Cord-cutting is another form of releasing. We create cords to each person we interact with each day. And yes, “interacting” includes virtually and energetically, too, as well as physically. While it’s great to be connected to people, we need to cut those cords now and again to help maintain our own energy. I do this the simple way by declaring “I now cut any and all cords that are attached to me”, saying it a total of 3 times. There are also a bunch of different ways to do cord cutting, so find the method that resonates with you! If you like working with the Archangels, you can call on Archangel Michael to assist you with this, particularly for those thick and stubborn cords that have been hanging around for a while.

I would love to hear if you have a releasing practice and what method you prefer! So please leave a comment below or reach out to me at or on Instagram or Facebook.

Alicia MastrangeloComment