Reiki Class Myths

In all of my conversations with people over the years, I’ve discovered that there are some misconceptions about Reiki classes floating around out there. So I’d like to address some of the most common ones that have come up in discussion.

Myth: You can’t retake a Reiki class.

Fact: You absolutely CAN retake a Reiki class. While your ability to channel Reiki never goes away once you are attuned, if you feel like you need (or want) a refresher, you can retake a class. Also, if you feel like you didn’t vibe with your teacher, or that your class wasn’t as complete as you expected, you can retake that level with another teacher.

Myth: You must study with the same Reiki Teacher for the duration of your Reiki training.

Fact: You can change Reiki teachers at any time, for any reason. You can also retake a level of Reiki training with a different teacher if you feel called to do so.

Myth: You can only take a Reiki class if you plan on having a Reiki business.

Fact: You do not need to have aspirations of owning a Reiki business in order to take a Reiki class. I personally think that every single person should take at least a Reiki I class. Being attuned to Reiki is such a fabulous tool for intuitive development, and for deepening your connection with yourself and Source/God/Universe.

Myth: Once you take Reiki Level I training, you must progress through the other levels.

Fact: There is no requirement to progress to any other level of Reiki training. Every person’s journey is different, so you can progress to whichever level calls to you. And if you don’t feel called to move to any other levels after Level I, that is perfectly fine.

Myth: You can become a Reiki Master within a weekend.

Fact: It is best to have practice and integration time in between each level of Reiki training. There is a LOT to learn in each level, and it’s important that you practice and feel comfortable with all of the information in one level of training before moving on to the next. Your body also needs time to adjust after going through the attunement process for each level. I personally require my students to practice for at least 3 months between levels I and II, and to practice for at least 6 months between level II and Master Teacher.

Myth: You can become a Reiki practitioner online.

Fact: I know a lot of folks will disagree with me on this one. But, as a Reiki Master Teacher who teaches traditional Usui Reiki, I feel that you must take the class in-person and be attuned in-person. The attunement process is a physical one, where I create connections between you and Source so that you can henceforth have the ability to channel Reiki. And an in-person class also includes what I think is one of the most vital parts of learning, especially in a Level I class: hands-on practice time under the guidance of a teacher.

If you have any questions at all about Reiki classes, please reach out to me! You can reach me via email at or call/text me at 401-323-7199. And if you’re ready to take a Reiki class with me, you can find all of my scheduled classes in the “Reiki Classes” section here on my website. Privately scheduled classes are also available and you can inquire about those via the contact information listed above.

Alicia MastrangeloComment