Change Your Words, Change Your Life


Words have power. Tremendous power. So it is up to us to be conscious of the words we use, as they have tremendous influence over the life we are living. The Universe is our co-creator, so it’s very important that we are using our words (spoken, written, and thought) to express what we DO want and not what we DON’T want. (Side note: I use “Universe”, but feel free to substitute “God”, “Spirit”, or whatever term resonates with you.)

We, as humans, attribute a positive or negative quality to a word. For example, when we use a word like “douchebag”, we humans all know that’s a negative term, right? But here’s the thing…the Universe does not know that; the Universe responds to our energy and our focus. The Universe doesn’t distinguish between positive and negative human definitions; it responds to the words you are putting your energy and focus into.

Here is an example: if you repeatedly say something like “all I attract is douchebags”, humans determine that is a bad thing based on the negative definition humans have assigned to that word. However, the Universe responds vastly differently. By you repeatedly saying “all I attract is douchebags”, the Universe sees that you are spending a lot of time and energy on these “douchebags”, so you must really enjoy them. The Universe will then keep sending you more douchebags to help you to continue to enjoy something you really seem to like.

Woah. Yikes.

So how do you change that? You do it by consciously focusing on what you DO want instead of what you DON’T want. Instead, maybe declare “I attract people that are a good match for me” or “I attract people that are respectful”, etc. Sounds a lot like affirmations, doesn’t it? That’s exactly the purpose behind the use of affirmations! Focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want.

Now, this can be a difficult shift to make, as most of us have grown up phrasing things in the negative, without even realizing it. To give a more mundane example, how often have you said “I really hope it doesn’t rain today”? To shift your focus to what you WANT, try instead saying “I really hope it’s dry and sunny today”. Another common statement I hear is “I don’t want to get sick”. Instead, say “I want to be healthy”. Better, yet, declaring it as an “I am” statement is even stronger: “I am healthy.” Can you see the huge difference a change in phrasing makes?

Try to see where you can change your words. This may be difficult at first, but don’t beat yourself up over it. Keep trying and allow yourself some grace as you go. Most of us were never taught this type of thing, so it may seem really awkward and foreign at first. Keep trying. And if you need some help with phrasing, always go back to “what do I WANT?” and use those words to create your statements. As you begin to make these changes in the words you use, you will start to see changes in your life come to fruition. It may not always be right away, but keep going.

Change your words and you will absolutely change your life.

Alicia MastrangeloComment