I'm Not a Healer


A friend of mine shared this graphic on Facebook recently and it really struck a chord with me.

Yes, I am a Reiki Master Teacher who also creates crystal healing jewelry. And yes, most people refer to me as a Healer. But, honestly, I’m not really all that comfortable calling myself a Healer. And here’s why.

During a Reiki session (in-person or distance), I act as a channel for the Reiki healing energy. It flows from Universal/Source Energy, through me, to you. I can help direct the Reiki Energy based on what your own energy is telling me you need. But a good portion of the work is up to you; our time together is really a collaboration. First and foremost, you have to choose to receive Reiki. But you also have to choose to access your own power to do all of the other necessary things that will help you heal yourself.

Similarly with the crystal healing jewelry; I create the piece and infuse it with positive intention and Reiki healing energy. It’s still up to you to work with it regularly, and to incorporate any additional changes into your life that are necessary for your healing.

So, because of that, I often joke that I’m more of an “Expedition Leader” than a “Healer”. I can help lead you down your path of discovery to identify some of the underlying issues that need your attention. I can then offer you tools and options for things to try (or changes to make) to help get you from where you are to where you want to be (similar to a map). Most of us have forgotten how truly powerful we are; I have the privilege of helping you rediscover that and tap into it.

P.S. I’m also uncomfortable calling myself a “Master”. Yes, I have completed that level of Reiki training (which I am very proud of). But that term feels so…finite. And definitive. For me, I feel that there is always something new to discover, learn, or try. So I don’t feel like I will ever “Master” it (be done learning), because I will always be evolving and expanding to become the best possible version of me in both my life and in my work.

So what are your thoughts on the term “healer”?