Neurographic Art Experience: Amplify Your Intention

Does your brain sometimes feel like a squirrel on cocaine that's caught in traffic?

Have you been wanting to try art as a meditation tool, but don't know where to start?

Could you use some time to check out of life and chill the eff out for a bit?

Do you want a fun way to amplify your intentions to help attract certain things into your life?

Then join my next Neurographic Art Experience: Amplify Your Intention workshop!

Why art?

Creating art is a form of meditation for a lot of people, myself included! I personally started dabbling in art because I wanted to add more “non-traditional” forms of meditation to my self-care toolbox.

Some of the benefits of meditation (which includes anything meditative, such as creating art):

✨ our brains and bodies get to slow down and chill out for a bit

✨ our nervous system gets a break from being in fight or flight mode

✨ a reduction in our stress level

✨ our anxiety gets some time off from tormenting us

✨ improved mood, focus, memory, and sleep

✨ a deeper connection to our intuition

✨ greater clarity

✨ feelings of relaxation and peace

I recently discovered and fell in love with Neurographic art, so I want to share it with you!

What is Neurographic Art?

Neurographic art is a type of art which involves drawing freeform lines or ‘neuro lines’.

These lines are meant to enable the connection between the conscious and subconscious mind, which can help tremendously with our healing.

You can set an intention for your piece before you begin, which I find to be super helpful when I’m working on my own healing and manifestation.

There is also a step in neurographic art creation referred to as “softening the edges”, which I think is a great metaphor for what we try to do in our daily lives with our meditation and other self-care practices.

Here are a couple of pieces that I’ve created:

What will this art experience be like?

  • We will meet on Zoom so you can relax in a space that is comfortable for you while you create your art.

  • Nope! You don’t need any experience with art or with meditation. Just come to the experience with an open mind and an open heart.

  • This experience will be scheduled for 2 hours on Zoom.

  • Absolutely! You are welcome to make your creative space as comfortable as you’d like for this experience: light a candle, play some soft music, grab your favorite crystal to join you, etc.

  • You will need the following supplies, which you probably already have handy at home!

    • Paper to draw on. I recommend 4x6 or 5x7 for your first piece. You can use cardstock, watercolor paper, mixed media paper, or even printer paper.

    • I also recommend having a piece of scrap paper to work on, as some of your lines will go off the edges of the paper of your art piece.

    • A marker or acrylic paint pen to use for making your lines. Most folks use black Sharpies You can also have more than one size at the ready, such as fine point Sharpie and ultra-fine point Sharpie.

    • Something to color with. You can use colored pencils, markers, or even crayons.

  • If you would like to share it, you can! But you definitely will not be required to share if you would prefer not to.

  • Absolutely! As long as you can see me and hear me, you are welcome to leave your camera and microphone off during our time together.

Here’s the Neurographic Art Experience Details!

Your $73 energetic exchange for this 2-hour art experience includes:

💖 A short meditation at the beginning to help ground and center us

💖 Guidance on how to set your intention

💖 Instruction for the different steps to create your own neurographic art piece

💖 Ongoing guidance throughout the process and our time together

Secure your spot in this fun, relaxing experience. When you secure your spot, your email confirmation will contain the Zoom link to use during our time together. The link to secure your spot should also work for my non-US friends, with the currency conversion done by your bank. Please be sure to consult with your financial institution to fully understand the details of that prior to signing up.